FLIM-TIRF Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope with TIRF illumination (Lambert - Olympus)

An inverted Olympus IX81 fluorescence microscope is equipped with a Lambert Instruments fluorescence lifetime imaging module, using 4 modulated LEDs in the 405-640 nm range as well as modulated lasers emitting at 445, 488 and 633 nm, and a modulated MCP coupled fast CCD. TIRF illumination is available for all three lasers and prepared for a 4th laser in the green-yellow range. Fluorescence lifetimes of fluorophores can be determined from phase and modulation depth in live or fixed cells and other fluorescent samples. FRET efficiency from fluorescence lifetime can be derived. Using the TIRF mode, measurements can be restricted to the cell membrane or molecular monolayers. Autofocus and real time focus stabilization as well as repositioning in 3D with motorized stage is available. Installed with support from the Baross Gábor Programme REG-EA-09-1-2009-0010.


The facility can be used by both internal and external users, with the permit of the director of the hosting department and under the supervision of a member of the Cell Analysis Workgroup. Consultation with the PI of the project is an expectation. Expert help is available on both ad hoc and collaborative basis. Registered, trained users can sign up via an internet calendar. All users, internal or external, use the instrument on a per hour charge basis.

Contact person: Dr. György Vereb

email: vereb@med.unideb.hu

Phone: +36 52 412 623 (secretary), +36 52 411 717 ext. 65124 (direct)

Last update: 2023. 05. 05. 16:57