RiFRET - an ImageJ plugin for the evaluation of intensity-based FRET images of live cells



RiFRET is an ImageJ plugin which calculates FRET efficiencies pixel-by-pixel based on intensity-based ratiometric FRET (donor, acceptor and sensitized emission) images. The program allows the user to correct for the possible crosstalks and for autofluorescence, furthermore, to calculate FRET for image stacks/series, i.e. for 3D data sets. Semi-automatic processing is also included in this software. The program works with single tiff and tiff/lsm stack images.

If you are using the plugin, please cite the following paper, in which the program and the analysis are described:
Roszik J, Lisboa D, Szollosi J, Vereb G: Evaluation of Intensity-Based Ratiometric FRET in Image Cytometry-Approaches and a Software Solution, Cytometry Part A 2009; 75A:761-767.

Prospective users should read this paper before running the program. It is available at Cytometry Part A.

Terms of Use

  • You can download and use the program for your data analysis freely.
  • You may modify the program for your own personal usage.

Download (version 1.82, 10 Apr 2009)

Download Excel files for alpha factor calculation

iterative approximation method (Method 2 in the paper)
calculation with a set of FRET pair chimeras (Method 3 in the paper)
(Method 1 and the calculation of the ratio of molar absorption coefficients are included in the program.)


  • a computer that runs ImageJ 1.42k (with Java 1.6.0_05) /other versions of 1.42 or higher should also work, but have not been tested with this version/
    (ImageJ can be easily updated with: Plugins->Utilities->Update ImageJ...)
  • screen resolution 1280 x 900 or higher
    (Java window elements can have different size on different platforms/computers. If you cannot see the buttons correctly, please try to increase the window width/height.)


  • Download RiFRET_Plugin.java to IMAGEJ_HOME_DIRECTORY \ plugins
  • select the menu "Plugins" in ImageJ and choose "Compile and Run..."
  • select RiFRET_Plugin.java and click "Open"

Download example images

(cell line: HeLa, donor: CFP (Cerulean), acceptor: YFP (Venus) - we used the C5V and C17V fusion constructs described in Koushik et al., Biophys J 2006;91:L99)

Download stack example
(with the C17V Cerulean-Venus construct)

If you are using the acceptor photobleaching FRET method, we recommend our other FRET plugin AccPbFRET.

Last update: 2023. 05. 05. 16:57